1. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
BUN correlates with uremic symptoms better than serum creatinine.
Normal Range |
Adults: 7 –20mg/dL |
Neonate: 5 –18 mg/dL |
6 –8 mg/dL: associated with over hydration states |
50 – 150mg/dL: implies serious impairment of renal function |
150 –250mg/DL: is conclusive evidence of severely impaired glomerular function.
Differential diagnosis of various renal disorders; evidence of hemorrhage in Gl tract; assessment of patients requiring nutritional support in excess of catabolism (e.g. burns, cancer).
Increased in
Impaired kidney function; prerenal azotemia – ant case of reduced renal blood flow; congestive heart failure; salt and water depletion (vomiting, diarrhea, sweating); shock; postrenal azotemia – any obstruction of urinary tract (increased blood urea nitrogen [BUN] / Creatinine ratio); hemorrhage into Gl tract; AMI; stress.
Decreased in
Diuresis (e.g. with overhydration, often associated with low protein catabolism); severe liver damage (drug poisoning, hepatitis, other); increased utilization of protein for synthesis (late pregnancy, infancy, acromegaly, malnutrition ); diet (low protein and high carbohydrate, impaired absorption, malnutrition); nephritic syndrome; syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion ( SIADH).